Free To Run

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A North Face Doc

Free To Run

Free To Run takes you on an intense 450km journey following Ultra runner and Human Rights Activist, Stephanie Case and her passion for helping Afghan women through her organization Free to Run. The doc explores the backstory of supporting and raising awareness for Afghan women through her milestone race Tor De Glacier in northwestern Italy. We were thrilled when, passionate documentary directors Carrie and Tim Highman, reached out for us to cut the Free To Run doc. We felt the synergy from the first conversation. Outpost the Directors, The North Face clients, and members from the films itself spanned 6 different cities - we utilized remote and in-person workflows to bring this monumental doc to life. Below is how it all unfolded.

  • Client The North Face
  • Prod Co. Dream Lens Media
  • Director Carrie Highman
  • Director Tim Highman
  • Post Supervisor Sunshine Clay
  • Editor Jazzy Kettenacker
  • Story Producer Elise Andert
  • Post Sound Steve Horne
  • Colorist Brian Singler

Full-Service Post House

As a full-service post house, we understand narrative is paramount. We get pulled in early. Very early. and find that collaborating from concept to delivery yields the best results. It’s a process that we love...quite a bit. Particularly with this project, the narrative was evolving as the days went on, so having invested that time talking story points early, paid off. Our approach was to preserve the original storylines already in place, adapt to the new ones, and craft the emotional undertone of the overall doc.

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the shape of a doc

Story Producer

The shape of a doc is the focal point of a story producer. They have an overview and reference notes of entire projects, and work closely with the editor and directors to keep the narrative matching the tonal intentions of the piece. For The North Face, condensing down 80+ hours of footage into a 30 minute short doc is about like running the Tor De Glacier. Possible, requires endurance, and is worth it in the end when the story tells it all.

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cmd-k ALT + Right \ spacebar


Docs are made in the edit. It’s truly the editor’s medium. Having a trusting and collaborative relationship with the directors becomes essential. Especially with a subject matter and an ever-evolving beat sheet. Carrie and Tim worked closely with Jazzy and Elise for 9 months. Both in person, and remotely. having the flexibility to receive footage, watch it down, and incorporate it into the cut as the story beats unfolded became crucial, especially as the project began to wrap up.

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all the colors of the wind


The approach always is to progress the narrative through color. That’s a challenge in and of itself. Then on top of that, within a doc environment, with moments of run and gun capture, it can get a bit trickier. Having early interaction and color passes, well before lock, is essential in identifying and executing an approach, that is additive to the film. Edit suite across the hall from color suite.

You'll love physically sitting in a color suite and having tailor-made latte's anytime you want while you watch your project get graded. The choice is yours. Both are great. You can't go wrong.

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if a rock falls in the woods, does it make a sound?

Sound Design

With so many environments in this film, sound design played a huge role in immersing the viewer in each unique world. From mountain tops to lakeside runs, every texture demands attention. Along with that, the time-jumping provided opportunities to cue transitions not just with the screen but with speakers. Early and often interacting with the cut and approach is key. Edit suite across the hall from the audio suite

Full Length Documentary

Free To Run

When we're organizing and collaborating between multiple time zones, creative crews, and fine-tuning feedback on the cut along the way- it's not a question that is our central communication hub. It allows every input on a project to be housed in a central location to keep track of progress. Everything arrives at an end with ease. From project ideas and section notes to rough cuts and deliverables, we use to keep a steady flow of forward momentum.

in-depth look

Write-up did a deep dive write-up behind the process of collaborating on The North Face Documentary - Free to Run. They interviewed the Director's, and Outpost's in-house story producer and editor to get their take. To learn more about the collaboration process through the unique lens of the creatives working on this project click the link below!

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There's always more. . .

and more...and more...

As with every project, nothing is done without immense collaboration. We are so appreciative to Dream Lens Media for pulling us in on this one. It was an honor to be a part of telling this story. More to come. And if you are in the mood to keep reading…check the link below to see what went into building the Quibi / Roku original doc series - Prodigy